Chipotle Black Bean Chili

This recipe came to be out of sheer luck one night.  However, before I tell you how this recipe came to be, you should know that during the winter I don't necessarily exist off of Whole Food's Adobo Black Bean Soup, but I do have that soup quite frequently.  It's a delicious soup and I highly recommend trying it if you ever have the chance.

Back to the creation of this recipe--  I came home after work, realized I was out of Black Bean Adobo Soup (gasp) and didn't know what to make for dinner.  Surely there was something in my pantry that I could whip together?  I looked in my fridge and noticed I had a green pepper.  Great, I can do something with that…but what?  I really just wanted Black Bean Adobo soup, which lead me to check my pantry where I realized that I had a can of Black Beans.  The recipe started to take shape from there and I ended up with a dish that has become a new winter staple.  I still love that Black Bean Adobo Soup, but this Chipotle Black Bean Chili is definitely a great homemade version. 


  • 3Tbs Olive Oil
  • 4-5 Cloves of Fresh Garlic Minced
  • 1 Yellow Onion Diced
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper Diced
  • 1/4c Vegetable Broth
  • 1 Can Black Beans
  • 2Tbs Red Wine Vinegar
  • 3 tsp Chili Powder
  • 1 ½ tsp Smokey Paprika
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • ½ tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 Diced Chipotle Chili in Adobo de-seeded and finely diced (if desired for extra heat)
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a 12" sauté pan, heat oil over medium high heat
  2. Add Garlic and let cook for about a minute  (while continuously stirring)
  3. Add diced onion and diced pepper to pan, stir to incorporate
  4. Let the veggies cook for about 3 minutes, then add the Vegetable Broth
  5. Stir ingredients intermittently and cook veggies until peppers are soft and onions are translucent
  6. Add Black Beans, Vinegar, Pepper, Smokey Paprika and Cumin.  Stir until all ingredients have been incorporated and let simmer for approximately 4-5 minutes.
  7. Once simmered, turn off heat.  Let cool slightly and add salt to taste and diced chili (if desired) .
  8. Serve alone or on a bed of red quinoa with Smokey Paprika & Chili Greek Yogurt Garnish.

Smokey Paprika & Chili Greek Yogurt Garnish

  • 1 Pint Greek Yogurt (I like 0% Fat Greek Yogurt)
  • 2tsp Smokey Paprika
  • 1/4tsp Cumin
  • 1-2 de-seeded and diced Chili(es) in Adobo


Combine Paprika, Cumin and Chilies into the container of Greek Yogurt and stir until everything has been incorporated.